ESOLEO rechters

Energy of freedom made in Poland – MEPs with a visit to the ESOLEO-built PV farm in Brudzew

On April 4, 2023, the photovoltaic farm in Brudzew, built by ESOLEO, was visited by European parliamentarians: Franc Bogovič of the European People’s Party and Izabela-Elena Kloc and Zdzislaw Krasnodębski of the European Conservatives and Reformists.

“Energy from renewable energy sources is the energy of freedom. Compared to that derived from fossil fuels, it is free not only from economic and social turmoil, but also from negative environmental impact, providing long-term stability. A few years ago this was a site of a coal mine, and today it produces green energy. Brudzew is a symbol of the Polish energy transition driven by Polish business” – said Krzysztof Dziaduszyński, Member of the Board at ESOLEO, during the meeting with MEPs.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that in a time of economic uncertainty, renewable energy solutions are a sure source of cost predictability and energy independence. Independence form the political situation, unpredictable geopolitical upheavals or global economic crises.

Members of the European Parliament came to Poland on a study visit to observe the transformation of mining regions and the development of renewable energy in our country. Investments such as the one in Brudzew that exemplify the push for alternative sustainable energy systems by Polish private business, necessary to meet the goals of the Fit-for-55 package and, in the process, providing employment for employees formerly working in the mining industry.

The 70MWp photovoltaic power plant was built on land that was used for open-pit lignite mining by the Adamów Mine. Thanks to the investment made by ESOLEO, the area, destroyed by mining activities, regained its value.

What’s more, the construction of the power plant employed former miners of the Adamów Mine, who had previously been trained at a training center for RES installers in Konin. The photovoltaic power plant in Brudzew was the first investment of this scale in Poland and is an example of how to realize the transformation of the energy sector in Poland, including the creation of new jobs for people leaving industries such as mining.

Annually, the power plant produces more than 70,000 MWh of clean energy, which translates into a reduction in CO2 emissions of 56,698,322 kg per year.

“Investments such as the one, here in Brudzew, prove that when the agreement of all sides: residents, local government and business, is reached we can win the race for cheap and secure energy as well as against the climate change,” added Krzysztof Dziaduszyński.