EFNI - European Forum for New Ideas

European Forum for New Ideas 2021. What tomorrow brings?

The tenth edition of the European Forum for New Ideas took place on October 20-22, 2021, in Sopot. EFNI, organized by Polish Confederation Lewiatan with BusinessEurope and the City of Sopot, is one of the largest conferences in the CEE dedicated to global trends, new ideas, and the future of Europe. This year, Forum was visited by over 1,100 participants from over a dozen countries.

This year the event focused, among other topics, on the restoration of Europe after the pandemic and climate protection to achieve goals from EU Green Deal 2050.

“Only through discourse can we create strategies allowing all of us to meet the climate protection goals. This will, however, require cooperation between business, administration, and civil society. We must understand that we’ll not succeed without effective communication of the changes to the whole society – and EFNI is one of the prime places to have a conversation” – said Rafał Rudziński, CEO of BOSCH Polska and representative of the Bosch Group in Poland.

Over a hundred journalists and reporters, sixteen media partners, sixty debates and discussion during three days of the Forum divided into four topics: “Sensitive technology”, “Citizen of the new times”, “Make it before 2050” and “The new beginning of the old world?”.

At the closing gala of the Forum, the Sopot Declaration 2021 was read from the main stage, in which EFNI called on the Polish government to engage in genuine dialogue with the EU.

Despite the fact, that European Forum for New Ideas 2021 was a fully stationary event, some of the panellists took part in the discussions online and the participants were fully able to follow their input.

This year’s EFNI was attended by 57 percent men and 43 percent women.